This week is such a superduper busy week for me.. i really can not even breath this week..
Its started when i woke up on last saturday... i study for a while before went to my patient house to clerk her for my case write up... after finish that i back home around 4 and after Asar prayer, i went to collage to help out for the preparation of Raya haji..
that night, after dinner i try to read a few notes before watching Man Utd match..
on sunday, i spend most of the time at collage, help out what ever thing that i can lend my hand.. and that night also i spend my time there..
so monday is a the Hari raya Haji.. like always, we went to Sembahyang raya and do our ibadah korban at at the night there some kind of dinner at collage.. i quite enjoying it but i think wat i did for the whole 2 days is just taking picture.. hehe..
so tuesday i busy with classes and and finish my class at 5 and at night i need to struggle to transfer a 2 and half hour interview audio record into writing format.. and i finish it at 3 am in the morning..
so wed, i had clinic with prof fadzillah.. at his clinic i just realize a few thing that i still not cover or even read back.. so i really blur in his clinic.. so i guess he must be upset at me.. then we proceed to case presentation by nonoy.. personally i think nonoy presentation was the best so far.. so i really dun hav anything to ask regarding her case.. but supprisely, prof fadzillah throwing a 1001 bombs and bullet to her and if i were at her place i will surely stress and now i really stress because my turn to present case is tomorow and i not even prepare a single slide for my presentation... i really can not concentrate my mind on the evening class because i keep on thinking about my presentation...
so after a whole day at sentosa hospital, rush back to my room and start to prepare my presentation. its really hard because i need to care all the detail or else i will bombarded by questions from my colleague and of coz, prof fadzillah, the only psychopharmacologist in Malaysia.. so i really struggle that night and only menage to complete my presentation at 5.30 in the morning and i have grand ward round at 8 that day.. so i just manage to sleep for about 1 and half hour before everybody keep on bother me to wake up for class... (thanks friends...)
that day i feel very miserable and really blur for da CPC.. and after cpc, i really thanks to Allah becouse prof fadzillah can not take my case presentation because he had something up in the evening.. so i present my case to dr saw win.. what a relieve?
so one thing settle..... now i need to think about another problem.... i need to to finish my case write up which need to be submit at 3 pm tomorow.. dammit!!!! i really stress.. and that night i spend the whole night in front my laptop, try to finish my case write up who will contribute 10 marks for my Psy posting.. i sleep at 3 because i really can not tahan anymore.. i continue it at 10 and only manage to complete it at 2.45 pm and i print my case write up and rush to the faculty to submit it.. then 3.30 i had CPC which end at 5.30 pm...
finally its the weekend.. i really need a sleep now.. ZZZZZZZZZZzZzzZzzzzzzzzzzZZZZ
4 months ago
haha! my presentation the best so far?? thanks for the compliment, i guess. *ade pape ke ni?*