certain people hard to keep their mouth shutkan... and banyak plak people yang really dun think even twice when they speak eventho they actually need to think a million time before speak it out about certain thing...
some people will really enjoy when they are in bad mood or when they are hurt by someone, they will try to find some other ways to irritate other people or hurt other people around them... why? its simple... tak bestkan sakit hati sorang.. so, mari sakit hati beramai-ramai... Yay!
lets take an example.....
in husband and wife argument... if the husband lost his rational... kan boleh sampai jadi divorce.. even maybe the cause of the argument is just really a simple thing... (teringat cerita P.Ramlee: "aci... taik punya pasal pun mau gaduh ka? kasi cuci sudah la" hehe..)
kalau ur parents marah u plak.. nak2 makkan.. kalau marah tue.. memang marah betul la... so we as a child, kena sabar... and like i mention before.. think at least twice... ni tak, orang tua tue mmg tgh marah.. kita pulak (konon2 darah muda la) terus la nak sound direct dekat dia.. selalu ingat diri ini.. syurga itu di bawah tapak kaki ibu... tak bermaksud boleh sound direct ur dad la plakkan... ( tetiba homesick plak... dulu masa kecik2 selalu lawan cakap mama... dah jauh2 nie, bila balik rumah, bila adik2 tinggi suara sikit dgn mama pun memang sure la they all will get a free counseling session with if nescessary an extra physical therapy lagi.. hehe..)
i always remember the old say.. "kerana mulut badan binasa"... bila fikir2 balik.. memang betul.. haih.. tapi kadang2 kerana telinga pun badan boleh binasa(aku dah cipta peribahasa baru..ngok betul la)... yela.. as example.. bila dengar words yang tak bestkan.. nak-nak dari someone dat we love or someone that really important to us.. even if tak lawan balik.. kalau asyik simpan dalam hati, lama2 meletup bai... kalau meletup tue.. memang tak larat la lu nak tanggung... (apa la qish nie.. cakap salah.. dengar pun salah.. melalut betul anak pakcik firdaus nie)...
so kepada orang2 tersayang dan org yang disayangi.. kalau cakap tue agak2 sikit... saya tak suka marah.. tapi kalau saya marah.. memang sangat la hilang rational saya.. hehe..
bring back memory during matrix.. i got this best buddy and was call by name ayep... i always remember our conversation... lebih kurang mcm nie la bunyi dia..
"ala qish.... aku tak kesah apa orang cakap pasal aku.. aku lagi suka orang cakap aku mcm2 n buat mcm mana org tue cakap... baru la diorg sakit hati..." maksudnya... when someone say u nie perangai mcm A la.. so infront of that person, u will act like a A.. mcm tue la lebih kurangnya... kiranya kita practisekan.. act speak louder than voice la.. as e.g... when ur girlfriend accuse u main kayu tiga.. sure la u really upsetkan when in the real situation u r such a sweet and innocent guy.. nak argue banyak2 pun u will hurt urself back.. so kalau kita gunakan ayep's idea.. kita main la kayu tiga behind her backkan? she will surely 100% will sakit hati gila2 la... and u sure very happy (at least for a moment... sebab lepas tue sure u kena dump dgn ur gf... hehe...)
hurm... i dun want to mengarut so much.. the more u talk.. the more u will look stupid and the more u will make someone hurt and the vicous circle will go on as the other people will then talk more and make they look more stupid and make u even sakit hati... when the first intention u just nak sakitkan hati dia je.. now both of u pun sakit hati.. n to make thing worse.. orang yang takde kaitan pun sibuk2 nak sakit hati... (biasalakan... orang melayukan busy body dan suka mengadu domba... orang cinakan kiatsu... orang india pulak gembira when other people lagi sedih dari diorg masa diorg sedih <-- ini M.Jayakumar bagi tau aku... he is an indian and a forth year unimas medical student.. so minta maaf kalau org terasa... p/s: aku boleh kutuk org melayu and org cina sebab aku dua2.. <-- ni pun Kumar cakap n aku rasa i hav dat right.. hehe.. sori la mama n baba <-- mak aku pure malay n bapak aku pure chinese.. sure diorg marah aku kutuk bangsa diorg.. aku takde specific race.. im malaysian after all..hehe..so boleh kutuk semua org malaysia)
4 months ago
hohoho si kacak.y ni?hang ada dgr pasai apa? ekeke..biasa la manusia rambut sama hitam. hati lain2.. layan kan aja la.. hehehe
ReplyDeletedude..tau x,x slh nk benci org len coz ade org benci kite gak..so,jgn nk jge ati sume org..
ReplyDeleteQish janganlah merajuk. wuwuwuw.
ReplyDeletecis... gua punye contribution, lu pegi site nama kumar plak. nanti gua saman mintak royalti baru lu tau. have a nice day man.cheers.
ReplyDeletehehe.. takpe.. nanti aku letak nama kau... hehe.. sori beb...