Take a moment of ur life.. try to imagine when u r in these situation:
1. U r called by a doctor into the ICU to discuss regarding the condition of ur love one...
2.U r in front of a doctor who r waiting ur big decision regarding ur love one plan of management.. Active or conservative...
3.U r called by a doctor after an hour they try to resus ur love one but obviously they failed....
Hurm.. I always being the doctor.. Who make a call... Not the person in those situations... I hope I always make it easy, simple, understandable, and with the right facial expression, right tone.......
4 months ago
Salam..bgi sya ia adlh 1 prasaan yg amat penting n pling bertimbang rse bgi seorg doc ntuk ada perasaan cmni..sbb xrmai doc yg ade emotional value ble brlaku sesuatu kematian kt pt dsbbkn mgkin da immuned or terbiase dgn situasi ni..bkn xda lgsung,tpi mgkin slh 1 element tu missing n ble da missing,it will effect the emotions,lbih2 lgi mase nk pronounced the death..sbb mse tu la kta akn jmpa family members tuk bgtau progress pt..the news(bad) n emotional support should be in together at this point..cm,apble sesuatu lyric cntik disusun + good melody = akn dpt lagu yg pleased to be heard..hah,mcm tu jgk ble nk smpai kn news(bad)..kene amik mood dlu utk adapt kn gan situasi..xslh kite ckap dgn diri sndiri cm 'ape yg ptut aku bt lpas ni'..ckp dlm hti la..mgkin byi cm clise ckit,tpi amat pnting da mood cmtu tuk tunjk kn rasa simpati kt pt's family mber........so,sya nk ucap kn tahniah tuk doc n smoga mjdi seorg doc yg down to earth.not a big n high nose!!!!hehe..